On Oct. 28, Democrat lawmakers passed changes to the Illinois Healthcare Right of Conscience Act.

State Senator Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) made the following statement following the vote:

“Executive order after executive order, we’ve looked on as the Governor has continued his one-size-fits all approach to the state’s pandemic response under the guise of public safety.

“Today, the Majority Party has attacked a citizens’ protected right to refuse something that is directly contrary to their moral convictions or religious beliefs. Once again, all under the pretense of public safety.

“I have maintained time and time again that the COIVD-19 vaccine is a personal choice. But today, the Governor has removed that choice from our citizens. It’s a dangerous and slippery slope that opens the door for the Majority Party to continue to strip personal freedoms and religious rights. It’s inexcusable.”

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