Sen. Bryant Reacts to Governor’s Proposed Budget

State Senator Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) issued the following statement in response to the Governor’s proposed budget from his budget address:

“For months, we’ve been told that Illinois was facing a budget deficit of more than $3 billion, yet suddenly just in time for his Budget Address, the Governor’s administration found billions in extra revenue to propose the largest spending budget in state history. This isn’t responsible governance. It is political gamesmanship designed to justify more reckless spending.

“While the federal government is finally taking steps to rein in spending, Governor Pritzker is doubling down on growing Illinois’ bloated budget. Instead of making tough decisions to put our state on solid financial footing, he continues to expand government and pile more spending onto the backs of hardworking Illinoisans.

“While I appreciate that the Governor is finally acknowledging the massive financial burden of his illegal immigrant healthcare program and is claiming to seek reductions, let’s be clear, this first-in-the-nation program should have never been created in the first place. Until we see the final budget this spring, I have little faith that this administration and its allies in the Majority Party will actually follow through on its promises of fiscal responsibility.”

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